Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer (Lipomodelling)
Natural Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
If you are looking for a natural breast augmentation, we can help you. Micro-fat grafting is an implant-free fat transfer breast augmentation technique developed by the highly respected and much published Dr. Roger Khouri, plastic surgeon at the Miami Breast Centre. This particular technique was introduced to Northland Plastic Surgery by David Crabb [hyperlink to bio here] (previous principal surgeon) who had trained with Dr Khouri. Chris Powell has further refined the same technique. The procedure is simpler than many conventional procedures and, although technically complex, is less stressful on your body than traditional methods, and recovery time is quick. Patients usually go home on the day of surgery or the day afterwards. There is a lot less pain than with implants (particularly those that need to go under the muscle). Using your own fat, we can fulfil your desire of having larger breasts.
Advantages of augmentation using fat transfer vs conventional silicone implants
- No Prosthesis/ Foreign Body used
- No risk of implant rupture and leak of silicone
- No risk of capsular contracture
- No risk of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
- No risk of breast implant illness
- No ongoing “maintenance” of implants (ie changing implants every 10-15 years)
- No surgical incisions or notable scars
Chris Powell has experience reconstructing breasts using both autologous tissue (your body’s own tissue) and silicone implants.
Your first appointment with Chris Powell
For out of town patients, a complimentary video consultation (Zoom/Skype) is available to see if the procedure is right for you.
Prior to surgery an in-person consultation is required to complete the assessment and plan surgery. A careful family history is taken with respect to breast cancer, and an MRI may be arranged to establish baseline imagery. After your breasts are naturally enhanced with your own fat cells, routine mammography is all that is required for screening (as fat is completely radiolucent). Annual check-up is advised and we can arrange this (or we can advise your usual GP/breast specialist about this).
How is it done?
The procedure is performed with patient asleep. The technique is minimally invasive (no large cuts are made) and has the additional benefit of utilising liposuction to harvest the fat from areas of your body with unwanted fat, e.g. thighs, hips, inner knees and stomach. Buttocks are not usually used.
Small nicks (2-4mm) made in the skin through which fat is extracted or grafted. These require single stitches which are dissolvable.
Fat transfer process
Fat is harvested by gentle liposuction from the thighs, buttocks and stomach. Even slender patients do well with this procedure as we usually find enough fat cells. The fat is then processed and meticulously injected back into the breast. The fat then picks up a new blood supply in the breast and survives.
Typically 65%-80% of the fat survives. The procedure typically takes 3-5 hours and patients will go home the same day or have one night’s stay in hospital. A support garment is ordered in advance of surgery and worn for 6 weeks.
What is the recovery period?
The breasts are usually not particularly painful but the donor sites can be sore for a day or two. Regular oral painkillers are usually all that is required. Depending on occupation patients are off work for 3 to 14 days.
What are the risks and possible complications?
Common to any liposuction procedure there is a small risk of leaving contour deformities or deficits at the sites where fat has been harvested. These can be corrected as part of subsequent procedures. There are small risks of infection or bleeding.
Who are good candidates for breast augmentation with fat transfer?
- Women of all ages seeking larger breasts
- Women who have had children and wish to replace volume and improve shape after breastfeeding.
- Women with breast asymmetry (one breast larger than the other)
- Women who have had implants removed (or want them removed) and seek to restore shape and volume without more implants.
Who are poor candidates for breast augmentation with fat transfer?
- Smokers: Smokers have a poor capacity to regenerate tissue. We recommend that a patient stops smoking at least two months before the procedure and abstain completely throughout the process, and for three months after.
- Patients taking Herceptin® chemotherapy and other angiogenesis inhibitors: These prevent grafted fat from picking up a new blood supply and lead to a poor outcome. We recommend the process be started about one month after a patient completes their course of Herceptin treatment.
- Patients taking aspirin (and over-the-counter food supplements and vitamins that may impair blood clotting): It is imperative that if possible the patient stops aspirin, all vitamins, and all herbal supplements at least two weeks before the procedure as these may impair successful fat grafting.
Make an Enquiry

Reach out to Northland Plastic Surgery by phone, email or book in an assessment via Zoom.